Friday, September 24, 2010

Funny comics!

Hey penguins,
Yoyo here and i was just checking out the cp website and came across to the comic
page! They are all very funny u guys should really check them out! This is my favourite one!
THREEEEE DEEEEEEE :) Until then waddle on!

New black puffle game?

Hello penguins!
It's Greeny's buddy here Yoyo and today I was busy playing at the stadium
cheering and doing races then I caught my eye on the cp newspaper and
read that black puffles might be able to play cart surfing! Wow How cool
it also say that it will help you balance and do tricks! I can't wait!!

Until then Best Fishes!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Love Love!

Hi guys!
I'm just showing you that I am kind and friendly
here are some pics on beautiful hearts!

Best fishes!

Purple Is My Middle Name!

Hi Penguins!!!
I love the color purple and I want to show you some pictures on club penguin
in PURPLE!!!

Best Fishes!


Hi penguins!
Today i have been asked by Preetzel3509 on club penguin.....
''Are you a superhero?''
Well i really don't know...
Thats why I made this post!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Exploring the island!

Hello my fellow penguins!
Yoyo here and im going to talk about the cp island!! There
are lots of secrets around the island but thats not all, there are
also secrets in the cataloges, special dances, secret rooms and
many more! Make sure you keep your eyes peeled and also
take a look at the weekly newspaper on cp!

greeny star- I can't wait for the new cataloges!
Cadence- Wow girls! I love your blog! Its awesome Keep working on it!

Until then waddle on, and happy exploring!

NO WAY!!!!!!!!

OH MY.....OH MY...OH!!!
I found this picture on the web!!! WOW!!!
Get Soaked!


Hey buddies!
I want to make a quick announcement!
If your in blue team, YOU ROCK!
Thanks Everyone!
Best Fishes!

New Respect Club!

Hey guys!
New club by Greeny Star here!
I am allowing you for a one and ONLY one chance to join the new respect club.
What you do:
1 All the crew get together and talk about the penguin lifestyle.
2 Respect other peoples ideas and announcements.
3 Waddle on with the crew and have some fun!
This is how you make a perfect respect club,everyone will join because you RESPECT them.
Just so you know for 3 weeks,I'm on the lookout to see the top 3 respect clubs.
Until then....
Best Fishes!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

yo yo pink is new author

Hi this is yoyo here!
Im now an author of my sisters blog greenys penguin town!
Thanks greeny ur the best! :)

until then best fishes everyone :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Club Penguin Summer Camp?

Hello fishy penguins!
I have made a camp for you!
If you have any spare time,why don't you join my summer camp!
There will be: hiking,swimming,aqua grabber,surfing and lots lots more!
So why not sign in for the summer camp today?

Best Fishes!

How to Make a Penguin!

Hello penguins!
This is a guide on how to make a sculpture of a penguin
on club penguin!!
I hope you will like it.
It puts a lot of hard work into it.

Until then...


I got the new Wii game of club penguin!
Thanks to my dad ^^
Hes the best dad!

-Plays Wii Game-

Global Citizenship

Hi guys!
Today i want to talk about GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP!
Its very important not to break the rules on Club Penguin
and Be friendly to everyone, even people you don't know!
So thats how we pump up our global citizenship to be
the best global internet game ever!

Waddle on!


Hey guys!
I just came out with some good tips and I
would like you to read them:
1: Do not copy someone elses work (that includes for everything)
2: If someone is trying to do something better than you,
just ignore it, maybe people will think your 'thing'
is better!
3: Don't be mean,agressive,rude or greedy!

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer experience!

Take a Club Penguin Summer experience!
Have a party with me!
Day: 17 of September 2010 :)
Time: 7:00 P.M
All see you there!

Feeling hot hot hot!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Awww...So Cute!

Aww! How cute is he?
I want you to comment 3 FACTS about the EMPEROR penguin :)
Its not that hard!
Even a penguin can do this!! (lol)
Anyway....Good luck

(waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Crack the Code

Try to crack the code! :)

Enjoy! (hehe)

Meet the Yo Yo Pink!

Heya buddies!
My friend Yo Yo Pink is making a blog about club penguin too!
Now I want you to all respect this post PLEASE :)
Thank you very much for listening!!!

Adios Amigos!!! :P